About Moonbow Publishing
Moonbow Publishing was created by Michael Pellico, a successful writer and producer of films. He likes to publish quality children’s books that have adventure, comedy, excitement, and above all, lessons for life in a way that children will really enjoy.
Moonbow Publishing’s children’s books have several “levels” to the stories so they can be enjoyed by children and adults of all ages. They are an extension of the stories that the author and founder told his ten younger brothers and sisters and is now telling their children.
Our Moonbow Publishing’s children’s books will expand your child’s imagination, reinforce good values and morals, and teach children the benefits of behaving in a positive manner.
About Michael Pellico, Publisher
One of eleven children, whose parents both worked long hours. It was his responsibility to help raise his siblings. Growing up “poor”, he entertained his siblings with imaginative stories; often made-up right on the spot. Now, Michael Pellico is telling these stories to his nephews and nieces.
This book and all his stories are dedicated to Sabrina, his niece, who insists that he tell her a story each time they are together. Often the plot is about some object within her view. Creativity is paramount. We hope that you love these imaginative and creative stories as much as Sabrina does!
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Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.
—————————— Albert Einstein ——————————
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